Primary Education Board is going to publish PSC Scholarship Result 2023. Directorate of Primary Education Board has announced the release date of PSC Scholarship Result for this year.
There are a possible date for the publication of PSC scholarship result for this year on the last week of March 2023. Student will get their scholarship result from these website. We are going to deeply discuss about these scholarship result.
To help the student from Bangladesh Government education board that called Education scholarship. Scholarship provide from the education board ministry authority. In every year the authority provide this scholarship among the brilliant student.
Full Details About PSC Scholarship 2023
Like other sector of our education PSC, JSC, SSC and HSC. Education Board authority selected the brilliant student to provide this scholarship. The minimum capacity to get a scholarship is a good result that means A grade or A plus or Golden A+ in the educational result. Or all the students who have higher marks.
Sometimes some student obtain Golden A+ but cannot get a scholarship. Because the education board provide this scholarship only some students. If the scholarship student who got Golden A+ then education board count it there number.
Download PSC scholarship result ????
How to check PSC scholarship result 2023
This question is in my mind all passed PSC student of 2022. Because they all also waiting for this scholarship result. We are going to discuss that how you can check your scholarship result. Though there are some different ways to check it. We discuss the very easiest for you.
You can check your result from online or your school notice board. We know that online is the best way to check scholarship result in our country.
That is why we also recommend you to check your scholarship result from online. So keep reading this article carefully to check your result online.

PSC scholarship result online checking system 2023
In Bangladesh online is the best way to communicate each other. As we are in digital age we must check our result from online. The board authority also publish this result online.
Directory of Primary Education Board online portal will publish this result on their website. You must so result from this official website. Please follow our below instruction to see you result from this DPE official website.
- At first open your internet browser that means any browser Google Chrome, Opera Mini, Firefox or UC mini.
- Now mast connect your internet connection.
- Write on your URL
- See the directory of primary education board official website on your screen.
- Now click on the scholarship result corner.
- Give your exam year 2022 and your exam roll number properly. Or they will also want to complete your student id number.
- Click on submit button to submit it.
- Just wait and see your scholarship result.
Click here to know Official PSC Scholarship Result 2023
Another Different Way to See PSC Scholarship Result
If you do not so scholarship result after carefully following our above instruction. You can follow award this instruction carefully. Dear students you also can see you scholarship result another way.
That way is to Download your scholarship result district wise. You can download your full district scholarship result.
To download your full district scholarship result must enter DPE official website. Then click on the district wise result corner. Here select your district name and click on submit button.
You will see a PDF file come in front you. Click on this PDF file this file will automatically starting download. You can see your result from this file.
Primary scholarship result 2023 Dhaka board
Dhaka board primary school passes student can check their result easily. We know that Dhaka is the one of the biggest board in all other board in our country. There have a lot of school exist under this board.
Though primary school is controlled by Directorate of Primary Education Board. But the scholarship amount is divided from this board authority.
This board student can easily download their result from online. There are some several system to see their result. We already discuss about two system of our country.
You also can follow these two system to collect their result. We think except these tow system there are no way to collect your result. So just follow these two system carefully.
Click here to know Official PSC Scholarship Result 2023
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সোনালী ব্যাংক শিক্ষাবৃত্তি-২০২৩। Sonali Bank Education Scholarship Apply Result
ডাচ বাংলা ব্যাংক শিক্ষাবৃত্তি ২০২৩ | SSC 2022 Scholarship Online Apply
SSC-2022 Scholarship results are available here All Education board
PSC Scholarship Result 2022 PDF Download
দাখিল পরীক্ষার বৃত্তির ফলাফল ২০২২ প্রকাশিত| যেভাবে দেখবেন বৃত্তির রেজাল্ট
এস.এস.সি-২০২২ বৃত্তির ফলাফল প্রকাশ | যেভাবে দেখবেন বৃত্তির রেজাল্ট