Pakistan’s Eid-ul-Azha will be celebrated this year as every year. Final preparations have already been made for it. All educational institutions, bank offices and courts have been declared closed and their sacrifices have been taken across the country for security. So that there is no problem. The holy Eid-ul-Azha is going to be held on Sunday 10th July 2022. Let’s see when any institution has been given a holiday and let’s take a look at our Eid celebrations.
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Eid Ul Azha 5 Holidays 2022 Official Notice
According to the sighting of the moon, Eid-ul-Azha will be celebrated in Palestine on Sunday, July 10, 2022. This year the Eid-ul-Azha holiday will start from Friday, July 8, 2022 to Tuesday, July 12, 2022. July 13, 2022 will be a working day

According to the official holiday notification of the Cabinet Division, there are 5 holidays from 10 July to 12 July 2022. Eid-ul-Azha holidays will be on 8th, 9th, 10th July, 11th July and 12th July 2022 2022.
Bank holiday has been declared for Eid-ul-Azha 2022
State Bank of Pakistan. The State Bank of Pakistan will remain closed from 8th to 12th July, 2022 (Friday to Tuesday) being public holidays on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha.
KARACHI: State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Monday announced a bank holiday on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha 2022.
In a circular issued to the presidents and chief executives of all banks, development financial institutions and microfinance banks, the central bank said that SBP would be closed from July 8 to 12, 2022 (Friday to Tuesday) on the occasion of Eid. Wool-half.
Schools, colleges go on Eid holidays
Eid-ul-Azha will be on July 10. On this occasion, public-private secondary schools are starting holidays from Sunday, July 3 and public-private colleges are starting Eid-ul-Azha holidays from Monday, July 4.
Besides, Eid-ul-Azha holiday is starting in the madrasa from Saturday, July 2. This information has been known from the list of annual holidays of the educational institution on Friday. It has been seen that the public and private secondary school holidays will start from July 3 and will continue till July 19. Secondary schools will be closed for 15 days on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha and summer holidays.
According to the list of public-private college holidays, Eid holidays will run from July 4 to July 14 in these institutions. Classes will start from July 16 in government and private colleges.
Finally, the Eid holidays of the madrasas will start from July 2 and end on July 14. Classes will start from June 16 at the madrasa.
Meanwhile, the country’s primary school holidays have started from June 26. Live classes will be closed till July 16 on the occasion of summer holidays and Eid-ul-Azha and Asadhi Purnima, one of the religious festivals of the Buddhist community.
According to the Department of Primary Education (DPE), the summer vacation of government primary schools was scheduled for May 16 to 23 on the 2022 holiday list. Summer vacation has been fixed from 26th June to 5th July instead of 18th to 23rd May for the convenience of teachers.
However, due to the flood situation, educational institutions in 16 districts of the country have been closed for a long time. In many places, SSC exams have been declared closed but the exams have been postponed and teaching has not started. It is also learned that these schools will be opened after the Eid holidays.
Eid-ul-Azha holiday in Pakistan in 2022
The central government has announced a five-day holiday on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.
A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office said the Eid-ul-Azha holiday would be observed from July 8 to 12 (Friday to Tuesday).
Is Eid-ul-Azha a public holiday?
Eid-ul-Azha is a public holiday. It’s a holiday for the general public, and schools and most businesses are closed. In 2022, it falls on a Sunday and some businesses may follow when opening on Sunday.
When is Eid-ul-Azha?
Eid al-Adha is known as Bakr-Eid; ‘The festival of sacrifice is the most important festival in the Muslim calendar. This year’s Eid will be celebrated on Sunday 10th July 2022.
The festival may also be known as Al Eid Al Kabir, which means ‘Grand Eid’. From a religious point of view, it has a more important status because it lasts for four days where Eid al-Fitr is one day, although most countries observe the same number of public holidays for both Eids.
The festival is celebrated throughout the Muslim world as a reminder of the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice everything for God.
Eid-ul-Azha falls on the twelfth and last month of the Islamic calendar, the 10th day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Since the exact day is based on the sighting of the moon, the date may vary between different countries.
The tradition of Eid-ul-Azha
Eid al-Adha is the end of the pilgrimage to Makkah. Eid al-Adha lasts for three days and Abraham (Abraham) remembers his willingness to obey God by sacrificing his son.
The same story appears in the Bible and is known to Jews and Christians. A key difference is that Muslims believe that the son was Ishmael instead of Isaac, as stated in the Old Testament. Eid al-Lahma, which means ‘Eid of the Flesh’.
According to the Qur’an, Abraham was about to sacrifice his son when a voice from heaven stopped him and allowed him to do something else as a ‘great sacrifice’. In the Old Testament, it is a sheep that is sacrificed instead of a son.
In Islam, Ishmael is considered a prophet and the ancestor of Muhammad.
During the feast of Eid al-Adha, Muslims re-establish allegiance to Ibrahim by sacrificing a cow or a sheep. The family eats about one-third of the food, one-third goes to friends and relatives, and the remaining third is donated to the poor and needy.
Donating money, food or clothes to the homeless or the poor is another key tradition of Eid-ul-Azha.