Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Result 2024- Merit list & Migration

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission program has started in the academic year 2023-2024. Online Apply will start today, June 8, 2024 and will continue till January 15. The policy of Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Program 2024 has been published by the Department of Secondary and Higher Education on May 30, 2023. All education boards in Bangladesh have to apply online. Since admission in Alim is under Madrasa Board, you have to see the rules and regulations of Madrasa Board, but you have to apply on this web site

“একাদশ/সমমান শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির আবেদন আগামী ১৭/০৫/২০২৪ রাত ১১:৫৯ ঘটিকা পর্যন্ত বর্ধিত করা হয়েছে”

Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year 2023-2024 Academic Year Admission Result

Every year, students have to apply online for admission in Alim in Madrasa. The online application for admission of Alim (Madrasa) 1st year of the students who have passed Dakhil / SSC and equivalent examinations has started today, 8th January, 2024. The application process will continue till January 15. Class XI will start on March 2. Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission process is starting for all educational institutions all over the country simultaneously.


As per the rules, the results of Dakhil / SSC and equivalent examinations will be published before the admission process. Since the results have been announced on 30th December 2023 (see the result), the online application for Alim (Madrasa) 1st year will start from 8th January 2024. Students can be admitted in Alim (Madrasa) 1st year i.e. Madrasa Alim by passing Dakhil / SSC. Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Notice has already been published today How to Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission,.

How to Apply for Admission, Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission, Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Documents required for, Alim (Madrasa) 1st year Government Madrasa E Alia, how many points are required to be admitted, Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission application fee, how much Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission application fee, how to pay all these issues Will be discussed in detail here. So if you are a student of Alim (Madrasa) 1st year class after passing Dakhil / SSC, you can get a clear idea about him by reading today’s complete post now.

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year 2023-2024 academic year admission online Migration

This year students will be able to apply for all public-private madrasas by visiting this website The application fee has been fixed at 150 rupees. Fees can be paid through cash, Sonali Bank, Teletalk, bKash, Sure Cash and Rocket. Apart from this, students will be able to apply for admission in Diploma-in-Engineering in Polytechnic Institutes under the Board of Technical Education of all colleges through the website from the 8th. The board will keep 40 percent of the fees that students will pay for the Red Crescent on admission and the educational institution will keep 60 percent. Online Migration Apply Alim 2023-2024

Alim (Madrasa) 2023-2024 Academic Year Admission 2024

Colleges are selected according to the qualifications of the students through online selection for Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission. So this time also Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission process has started online. Admission process will be completed in four steps. The results of each of the four steps will be published separately and at the last stage each student will go to that madrasa to confirm his madrasa. The results of each step will be published on our site so if you are a student of class XI or parent of class XI then you can bookmark our site it will send you all the information related to Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission Result.

আরো জানুন: ২০২১ সালের এসএসসি-দাখিল ফল প্রকাশ, ফলাফল জানবেন যেভাবে

XI Class Admission System (Session: 2023-2024)

Online Application Form

ভুল এবং অনাকাঙ্ক্ষিত Mix-UP এড়ানোর জন্য, একটি ব্রাউজার উইন্ডোতে একই সময়ে শুধু একটি আবেদন করার জন্য পরামর্শ দেয়া হচ্ছে, অর্থাৎ একই উইন্ডোতে একাধিক ট্যাব ব্যবহার করে একাধিক আবেদন না করার জন্য নির্দেশ দেয়া হচ্ছে। একটি ব্রাউজার উইন্ডোতে একাধিক ট্যাব ব্যবহার করলে যে কোনো একটি ট্যাব ব্যাতীত অন্য সকল ট্যাবের ডাটা অগ্রহণযোগ্য হয়ে যাবে।

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission Circular 2023-2024

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission Circular 2023-2024

Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Notification has already been published by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Also below is Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission notification. You can easily download Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission circular from there.

একাদশ শ্রেণিতে কলেজ ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২

Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Online Application 2024

A notice regarding online application for Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission has been published by the Bangladesh Inter-Education Board (Madrasa) Coordinating Committee. We have given the notice below if you wish you can download it or by reading the notice carefully you will know how to apply online in class XI and how you will complete the payment online.

Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Application Fee Many people are worried about how to pay. If you are worried about how to pay the Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Admission Application Fee then you can read about it in full today.

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission application fee is 150 rupees. The prescribed application fee of Rs. 150 / – for admission in class XI can be paid using Rocket, Cash, Bikash. Using the above three mobile banking mediums, you can easily pay for Class XI admission.  Apply Now 2024

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year class admission system 2024

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year students have to apply for admission in the first stage and the date of first stage application has been announced. The stage has to be completed to apply online and the student has to give five to a maximum of ten madasa choices depending on the eligibility.

The Madrasa applicable to the student will be selected after verification and selection by the Bangladesh Board of Education in the judgment of eligibility and the student will be admitted there. If the student does not like the madrasa, then there will be an opportunity for migration.

Madrasa choice must be made so that good madrasas do not go down. If there is a good madrasa in the part, then if the student migrates later, he must go to any of the above low quality colleges, so he must be careful.

Alim 1st year admission madrasa choice rule 2024

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year class must choose Madrasa very seriously otherwise you will be disrupted by applying for a Madrasa of your dislike. It is important for Alim students to take Alim (Madrasa) class lessons. That is why Alim (Madrasa) takes a lot of ideas when choosing Madrasa in 1st year class but Madrasa should be selected.

Before confirming the Madrasa of your choice, you must know all the activities properly. Click on the link below to know the details of how to give Madrasa Choice in Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year Class and get the details of Alim (Madrasa) Madrasa Choice in 1st Year Class.

Online Application Schedule for Alim 1st Year Public-Private Madrasa Admission in 2023-2024 Academic Year

SSC / Dakhil & Equivalent – After 2023 results, the policy for admission of Alim (Madrasa) 1st year in 2024 has been published on 30th December 2023. According to the admission policy of the Ministry of Education this year, the application for admission of Alim (Madrasa) 1st year class of 2023-2024 academic year can be done only online.

The online admission application of public-private madrasas of the country will be completed simultaneously, in the same process. As always, no admission test will be held this time. On the basis of the results of SSC / Dakhil equivalent examination, the merit list of students admitted in Alim (Madrasa) 1st year class will be published.

অনলাইনে ভর্তি আবেদনের ওয়েবসাইটের ঠিকানা:

  • Online admission application will start on 15th January, 2024 . From the date.
  • Application verification-selection and objection will be settled from 17 January to 21 January 2024 to date.
  • Admission application will be accepted only from 22 January to 23 January 2024  to date
  • The order of preference can be changed on 24 January 2024 to date.
  • February 24, 2024 According to the policy of the Ministry of Education, all the admissions process for the XI will be completed within the date.
  • The admission process will run from 13 February to 24 February Class XI of 2023-2024 academic year will start on March 2, 2024 AD. From the date.
  • College Website:

(Learn more from the Admission Policy attached in the following paragraph)


Alim (Madrasa) 1st Year-2024 Admission Merit List Results

The merit list of the eleventh admission results will be published in three steps.

The first phase admission merit list will be published on January 29. See merit list results

The second phase admission merit list will be published on 10 February. See merit list results

The third phase admission merit list will be published on 15 February. See merit list results


Alim (Madrasa) 1st year government madrasa admission

Alim (Madrasa) Everyone wants to be admitted in 1st year government madrasa. At present it is very difficult to get admission in government madrasas as everyone is interested in getting admission in government madrasas. If you have a good result in SSC / Dakhil then you can be admitted in Government Madrasa.

It is very difficult to get admission in government madrasa if you do not get good marks and good points in SSC / Dakhil examination. In order to be admitted in the government madrasa students who are more interested in admission, you must show a good number and good points.

Numbers change every year on Dakhil / SSC exams. Therefore, the question of how many marks it will take to get a chance in a government college can be answered on the basis of the highest marks in this year’s SSC / Dakhil examination and the category in which most of the students got marks. This means that since you can apply for admission to any college, all students put government colleges first in their selection.

সরকারি মাদ্রাসা

১.মাদরাসা -ই-আলিয়া,লালবাগ, ঢাকা ।
২.সিলেট সরকারি কামিল মাদরাসা ,সদর সিলেট ।
৩.সরকারি মুস্তাফাবিয়া কামিল মাদরাসা ,সদর বগুড়া ।

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission documents required

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year Admission Application You need to submit some documents of SSC / Dakhil stage. Many people do not know what documents are required to apply online. That is why we are going to collect information from the website of the Board of Education and publish it here. Institutional character certificate, examination number sheet, result card etc.

Alim (Madrasa) 1st year admission fee payment rules.



Bangladesh online payment system has gained popularity very fast. At present, it is taking the mobile banking sector forward with various facilities for the customers.

You can easily pay the application fee for admission to class XI or college using a cash account like bKash and Rocket.


Mistakes that cannot be made regarding admission of Alim (Madrasa) 1st year


Many of us make many mistakes when applying online. Whether intentionally or unintentionally people just make mistakes. Some mistakes are minor and some mistakes are fatal. There are some serious mistakes in admission in class XI. I will discuss about it in detail today. And there are descriptions of how you can get rid of those mistakes.

How Can Madrasa choice: Many of us choose Madrasa only with reputed institutions. If our result is not worthy of that college then our name does not come in merit. And ultimately we have to be frustrated.

Save user ID and password : Most of the time it is seen that students apply for admission in Alim (Madrasa) 1st year class from computer shop. And does not store their user IDs and passwords. Which is not available for future use. So it is best if you write down your user ID and password somewhere.