Dostarlimab is the new cancer medicine in the world , which medicine is 100% work effective cancer. Newly discovered cancer drugs will go into commercial production very soon. This drug will go into commercial production from America, which will hit the market in 2023.
The world may soon be able to get rid of a terrible disease that it claims is feared for the number of deaths, cancer. A drug test at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, USA, has shown 100% eradication of cancer in patients. In this video, we will try to explain this development and drug, Dostarlimab.
Jemperli (dostarlimab), an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody, was reported to have a 100% clinical complete response rate among patients with .
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Dostarlimab prize
Dostarlimab is available as Jemperli (dostarlimab-gxly injection) at a dose of 500mg/10 ml. Each dose of the drug costs $11,000 (Rs. 8,54,119/-) € 19355 (Rs 16,07,316/-) and the price of this drug in India is Rs.3.4 lakhs/vial. It is within the means of all members of the society even if it is beyond the means of the lower classes.
For the first time in history, a small clinical trial in the United States has completely eradicated cancer in patients at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan. Although the experiment was conducted on a small scale, it is hoped that the world will soon be able to get rid of the dreaded cancer.
“For the first time in history”: Cancer disappears for every patient in a drug trial
This page contains brief information about dostarlimab-gxly and a collection of links to more information about the use of this drug, research results, and ongoing clinical trials.
Jemperli (dostarlimab), an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody, was reported to have a 100% clinical complete response rate among patients with .
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Use Medicine in Cancer
Dostarlimab-gxly Adult Adolescent Repair Deficit (dMMR) is approved for treatment with cancer that has returned or improved, including:
Endometrial cancer that was treated with platinum chemotherapy, but did not work or is no longer working.
Severe tumors that worsen during or after other treatments and cannot be treated with other therapies.
Jemperli (dostarlimab), an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody, was reported to have a 100% clinical complete response rate among patients with .
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Dostarlimab-gxly approved under the FDA’s Accelerated Approval Program. As a condition of approval, the confirmation trial (s) must show that it provides a clinical benefit to these patients.
Dostarlimab-gxly is also being studied for the treatment of other types of cancer.
Dostarlimab’ Medicine Use
Eighteen rectal cancer patients were given the same medication for six months, and as a result of the treatment, each patient’s cancer was completely eradicated.
During this drug trial, for the first time, all the patients’ cancers disappeared. A small trial of a drug for the treatment of cancer has shown 100% success in tumor removal and prevention of recurrence in patients. According to experts, this is the first time in the history of medical science.
The tumor disappeared in 18 rectal cancer patients during a drug trial.
The drug trial was run for 6 months. The cost of the drug (in trial phase) is approximately 11 thousand US Dollar
Success in the Dostarlimab drug trial
A small group of people with rectal cancer experienced a miracle because their cancer disappeared after experimental treatment. According to the New York Times, in a very small clinical trial, 18 patients had been taking a drug called Dostarlimab for about six months, and by the end, each of them had seen their tumors disappear.
Dosterlimab is a drug with a laboratory-produced molecule that acts as an alternative antibody in the human body. The same drugs were given to 16 rectal cancer patients, and as a result of the treatment, each patient’s cancer was completely eradicated – cannot be detected by physical examination; Endoscopy; Positron emission tomography or PET scan or MRI scan.
Dr. Lewis A. of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. “This is the first time in the history of cancer that this has happened,” said Diaz J.
The way the trial is done on the Dostarlimab drug trial
The trial included 18 cancer patients who had been taking a drug called ‘Dostarlimab‘ for about six months, and in the end, each of them was released from their tumor.
According to the NYT, 18 patients previously underwent various treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation and invasive surgery. Patients reportedly went through a U.S. trial hoping to go through other procedures in the next step. However, no further treatment was required.
According to experts, the drug ‘Dostarlimab‘ contains molecules produced in the laboratory and acts as an alternative antibody in the human body. According to experts, cancer cannot be detected by physical examination – this proves that the drug can be a potential cure for the disease.
Patients took Dosterlimab every three weeks for six months during the trial. Significantly, all patients had the same stage of cancer and did not spread to other organs.
According to experts, the trial has been “surprising” and “unheard of”. Oncologist Dr. Andrea Cerseck described the moment when patients were free of cancer: “There were tears of joy.