Kurulus Osman Episode 137 Watch HD Video. You can watch the 137th episode of kurulus osman on wednesday turkish time 8:00 and pakistan time 10:00pm, bangladesh time 11:00pm. Being held on 22nd November 2023. Enjoy the new episode of Osman from here with English, Hindi, Bangla and Urdu subtitles and watch the full episode.
Kuruluş Osman 137 Bölüm Fragmanı İzle
Kurulus Osman Episode 137 watch Now
The 137th episode has been created with the flow of new events. This episode will be seen in continuation of the previous episode. Season 5 Episode 137 trailer 1 released. This episode will continue in the continuation of the previous episode.
Kurulus Osman Episode 137 Watch Video.
Osman Bey freed the gold from Mangalya’s army, and when Inesiar arrived, he found Yakub Bey arguing with the other Beys.
Kurulus Osman Episode 137 Subtitle Video
Watch Kurulus Osman episode 137 here with subtitles. After airing on Turkish TV, you can watch the video with Urdu subtitles every Friday morning. Let’s watch full video with urdu subtitles. Enjoy this new episode.
قرولس عثمان قسط 137 مکمل اردو سب ٹائٹل ویڈیو
আপনি কুরুলুস ওসমানকে খুঁজছেন। এখান থেকে বাংলা সাবটাইটেল সহ ১৩৭তম পর্ব দেখুন।
কুরুলুস ওসমান ১৩৭তম পর্ব সাবটাইটেল বাংলা সম্পূর্ণ ভিডিওঃ ক্লিক করুণ
Orhan and Mehmed Bey will rise?
In this direction, Orhan and Mehmed Bey joined the Crusaders, but the Crusaders imprisoned them. When Osman Bey arrived and heard that Orhan and Mehmed Bey were imprisoned, Osman Bey went to the rescue and Orhan and Mehmed Bey were rescued.
Kurulus Osman Episode 137 Watch Video.
Find out traitor in the palace
Yeneshair Traitors have been hunted down in the Osoman Bay palace. Because of this, Bahinder Bey was blamed, which was found for short, and Alauddin Bey was assigned the task of finding the traitors of Bahinder and Osman Bey. Finally found the traitor. But the real traitor has not yet been found because the one who is being captured has given the name Holofira. Now Holofira has been banned.
Watch Kurulus Osman 137 episodes HD Video
Orhan Bey and Mehmed Bey will be rescued?
Osman Nayun wants an alliance with the Crusade but Yaqub Bey only makes a deal with his son Mehmed Bey Ubdhar but Osman Bey cannot accept it. Osman said that the ban should be lifted by everyone. Let’s see what happens in the new 137th episode. Whether or not there will be a renewed treaty with the Crusades?
Watch Kurulus Osman 137 episodes Video